Women's Functional Medicine Seminar
April 13th, 2024 Free Women's Health Seminar at 9:00am
Lead by Sara Hernandez, PAC, CAQ-Psy & Desiree Lovell, RN
Learn about Functional Medicine, aka 'Root Cause Medicine' How do we get to the root cause of the
issue and FIX it?! This Free Educational session covering:
• Weight loss struggles, low energy even when you're doing 'all the right things'
• Hidden nutritional deficiencies with an 'American' diet and lifestyle
• Environmental toxins and how they contribute to poor health
• Q&A session
• Personalized food journal review/recommendations - Participants will be given an opportunity to
bring in a food journal from 3days prior to event for custom recommendations. Follow up email with
custom recommendations.
This is a Free Event, but you must register so we can plan forthe number of people attending.
Register Online, at the Williamsport YMCA, or by Contacting Nikki Fiel at
570-323-7134 ext 174 nikkif@rvrymca.org